Goal and Objectives


Physiology is the study of how the body works. The systems of the body including the cardiovascular, respiratory, neural, renal, endocrine, gastrointestinal and reproductive systems are examined using approaches ranging from molecular and cellular to whole-organism levels.

The goal of the teachingphysiology to the students aims at imparting detailed and complete knowledge of the normal functioning of the body and understanding the physiological basis of health and disease.



At the end of the course student shall be able to

(1) Understand the normal functions of all organ systems and their interactions.

(2) Assess relative contributions of each organ system in maintenance of milieu interior.

(3) Describe physiological responses and adaptations to environmental stress.

(4) List the physiological principles underlying pathogenesis and treatment of disease.


At the end of course the student shall be able to

(1) Conduct experiments/investigations designedfor studyof physiological phenomenon

(2) To interpret expt. /investigations data and

(3) To distinguish between normal and abnormal data derived as a result of tests done in lab.


At the end of the course the student shall be able to acquire an integrated knowledge of organ, structure, function and its regulatory mechanism and apply the knowledge in understanding of disease and its treatment

Head of Department’s Message

Dear Friends,

Physiology is a very interesting subject for medical students and also for others. It is a mother of many branches in Medical Science. If a student understands depth of knowledge in physiology, it is going to be very useful in understanding clinical subjects precisely.

Recently there is a burst of knowledge, discoveries and innovations in this field internationally. So we have to keep ourselves updated constantly in this field.

Our department is one of the biggest physiology departments in the country with 10 P.G. admissions per year along with 250 undergraduate admissions annually since many years. We welcome you all in our department and have a look inside physiology!!

Facilities in Department

Details of facilities to carry out theory and practical classes for UG students

  • One lecture hall with capacity of 300 students and 4 demonstration room with 60 seating capacity for each and equipped with audio-visual aids are available.
  • Separate hematology, clinical Physiology, amphibian, mammalian and research laboratory with requisite space, capacity, platforms with water supply, drainage and adequate lighting arrangement and necessary equipments as per MCI norms are available.
  • Medical council of India curriculum is followed.
  • Teaching and evaluation (internal and external) as per Medical council of India recommendation.
  • Postgraduate students participate in undergraduate teaching.

Details of facilities to carry out additional classes and practicals at PG level.

  • PG students maintain log book of each & every aspect of training given in the department of Physiology and other departments where they are posted.
  • Regular schedule of interactive PG lectures, 3 seminars per week, journal club, group discussion and PG practicals are followed.
  • Department possesses a seminar room with adequate space, and audio-visual aids for PG classes

Details of laboratories and other facilities to carry out research work.

  • Departmental research laboratory is well equipped and offers facilities to carry out research work in field of Electrophysiology, Cardio-pulmonary Physiology, Biochemical studies and Exercise Physiology

Facilities available for training in Applied Physiology:

  • Lectures/seminars on sports physiology, physiology of yoga, geriatric physiology, Neonatal physiology, blood bank technology, Marine physiology, space physiology & Hypnotherapy etc. are conducted.Hypnotherapy clinic is being run in the department.
  • For training in research methodology, integrated teaching classes on Sampling, Data Analysis, Bioinformatics- use of Databases and Sources of databases on web, and how to write and publish scientific paper were conducted.

Facilities available for training in other selected subjects:-

PG students in our department are posted during 2ndyear residency in the following departments:

General Medicine, Emergency medicine, Blood bank and Pathology department, Ophthalmology,Biochemistry department, Cardiology department, Paraplegia Department, ENT department,Psychiatry department, Cancer hospital, Kidney institute, PSM department.




  • General information- Teaching Physiology in 1stM.B.B.S.
  • Total No. of seats- 250/year.
  • Eligibility requirements-
  • For Indian nationals- 10+2
  • NRI – NotApplicable
  • Selection Procedure Details Merit list as per 10+2 examination and common entrance test.
  • Reservation – As per government rule
  • Accommodation -Hostel facilities available


  • General information- MD Physiology by Gujarat University, 3 years course.
  • Total no. of seats-10/year.
  • Eligibility requirements –

1) For Indian nationals- As per MCI Rules.

2) NRI – Not Applicable

  • Selection Procedure Details- By Gujarat Pre-P.G. and AIPGE
  • Accommodation -Hostel facilities available



Teaching physiology to 1styear physiotherapy students.At the end of the course, an examination comprising of theory is conducted which the student must clear with a minimum pass percentage of 50%


The Department of Medical Education and Research, Health and Family welfare Department, Government of Gujarat conducts the M.L.T. Training course.The duration of the course is one year. Minimum qualification required for this course is Bachelor of Science. At the end of the course, an examination comprising of theory and practical is conducted, which the student must clear with a minimum pass percentage of 50%.


The duration of the course is one year. Minimum qualification required for the course is 10+2. At the end of the course, an examination comprising of theory and practical is conducted, which the student must clear with a minimum pass percentage of 50%.


Teaching physiology to 1styear Bsc. Nursing students.At the end of the course, an examination comprising of theory is conducted which the student must clear with a minimum pass percentage of 50%.


Physiology is also taught to 1st year Neurophysician technician students.

Subject Curriculum


A. Systemic Physiology:

  • Introduction to physiology

a.Introduction to Physiology

b.Historical aspects referring to various doctrines

c.Scope of Physiology

d.Basic controlling mechanisms of body and feed back gains


f.Evolution of various systems

  • Cell Physiology

a.Structure of the cell

b.Functions of cells,

c.Cell growth, division & differentiation, variations,

d.Intercellular communication,

  • Biophysics

a.Transport across the membrane, Donnan equilibrium, Osmosis, Diffusion, Facilitated diffusion, Active transport,

b.Surface tension

c.Adsorption, Colloids, Suspensoids, True solution,


e.Ventilation through airways,

f.Bioelectrical phenomena, Resting Membrane Potential, Equilibrium potential, Nernst and Goldmann equations.

g.Action potential in various tissues with their ionic basis,

h.Cathode Ray Oscilloscope and recording of Action Potential in various tissues i.e. ERG, ECG, EMG, EOG, EEG, Nerve conduction velocity,

i.Patch clamp technique, Voltage gated technique

  • Blood

a.Composition of blood

b.Properties of blood,

c.Plasma proteins,

d.Formed elements of blood,


f.Functions of blood cells, counting and its importance of blood cells, Blood clotting,

g.Blood groups-importance, type, estimation, transmission,

h.Reticulo-endothelial system,

i.Lymphatic system, lymph composition and function,

j.Immunity, AMI, CMI, Active & Passive Immunity,

k.Anaemia, Poly-cythemia,

l.Bleeding disorders,

m.Blood transfusion,

n.Blood storage & banking, bone marrow,

o.Hemoglobin-chemistry, type, derivatives, synthesis, fate, Jaundice,

p.Organ transplantation, Graft rejection etc.

  • Gastro-Intestinal System

a.Physiological Anatomy,

b.Gastrointestinal secretions with composition,

functions, mechanism of secretion,regulation i.e., salivary, gastric, pancreatic-exocrine, succus entericus,

c.Bile, entero-hepatic circulation, gall bladder.

d.Gastro intestinal tract movements-oesophagus, deglutition, ,

e.Stomach, gastric emptying,

f.Small and large intestine, defeacation, gastrointestinal reflexes,

g.Gastrointestinal hormones,

h.Faeces. Gastric function tests, liver function tests,

  • Respiratory System

a.Physiological anatomy. Broncho-pulmonary segments,

b.Respiratory and non respiratory functions of lung,

c.Mechanics of breathing: Muscles of respiration, rib movements, compliance, Intra-pleural and intra pulmonary pressures, surfactants.

d.Spirometry, Pulmonary function tests,

e.Clinical examination of respiratory system,

f.Transport of blood gases,

g.Neural and chemical regulation of respiration.

h.Artificial respiration, periodic breathing, respiratory rate and variations, dyspnoea, dyspnoeic index, orthopnea, asphyxia,

i.hypoxia, hypercarbia, Oxygen therapy, Hyperbaric oxygen therapy, Oxygen poisoning,

j. High altitude physiology: mountaineering, Aviation physiology, space physiology. Underwater physiology,

k.Occupational hazards and respiratory system

  • Excretory System, Skin, Body Temperature

a.Physiological anatomy,

b.Functions of kidney,

c.Glomerular filtration ,

d.Tubular secretion

e.Tubular reabsorption, formation of urine,

f.Juxta-glomerular apparatus,

g.Concentration and dilution of Urine

h.Role of kidney in acid base balance,

i.Renal function tests,

j.Clearance tests,

k.Maintenance of blood volume, blood pressure, tonicity, electrolytes by kidney.

l.Structure and functions of skin,

m.Body temperature: importance of temp. regulation, measurement,

n.Mechanism of heat loss and heat generation, temperature regulating center.

o.Role of brown fat, hypo and hyperthermia, its importance and effects on the body.

  • Nerve And Muscle Physiology

a.Physiological anatomy, macroscopic and microscopic, E.M structure of sarcomere,

b.Composition and functions of muscle

c.Excitable tissue, stimulation, Resting Membrane Potential, role of Na-K pump Generation of local response( electrotonus) and action potential,

d.Characteristic of action potential and its properties,

e.Ionic basis of action potential,compound action potential

f.Properties of skeletal muscles

g.Properties of smooth muscles,

h.Comparison of cardiac, skeletal and smooth muscles,

i.Structure and classification of nerve

j.Properties of nerve fiber

k.Mechanism of conduction of nerve impulse, Nerve metabolism,

l.Mechanism of contraction of muscle,

m. Neuromuscular transmission,

n. Mechanical, thermal, electrical and chemical changes during muscle contraction,

o.Effect of exercise, oxygen debt

p.Myelination and degeneration and regeneration of nerve fiber.

  • Autonomic Nervous System

a.Characteristics and differences from somatic nervous system,

b.Differences between sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system,

c.Distribution and action of sympathetic

d.Distribution and parasympathetic supply,

e.Autonomic neurotransmission,

f.Autonomic function tests, Biofeedback studies, polygraph tests.

  • Central Nervous System

a.Physiological anatomy,

b.Cerebrospinal fluids(properties, composition, function, mechanism of secretion, examination)

c.Blood brain barrier, blood CSF barrier, circumventricular organs, Neuroglia, Receptors: classification, properties, mechanism of stimulation,

d.Synapses: types, structure, properties and synaptic transmission,

e.Reflexes: type, properties, reflex arc,

f.Stretch reflex, withdrawal reflex, inverse stretch reflex, crossed extensor reflex, lengthening reaction,

g.Regulation of muscle tone and posture,

h.Muscle spindle,

i.Pontine medial gamma facilitatory and medullary lateral gamma inhibitory pathways, plastic and spastic type rigidity(cogwheel, clasp-knife, lead pipe)(decerebrate: classical and ischemic type, decorticate rigidity) ,

j.Postural reflexes, spinal cord, anatomy, section study ,

k.Ascending (Dorsolateral-lemniscal system and antero-lateral system)

l.Descending tracts (Medial and lateral motor system),

m.Spinal reflexes, study of spinal reflexes, hemisection and transection of spinal cord, spinal shock,

n.Pathway of touch, Pressure, vibration

o.Thalamus (nuclei, connections, functions and disorders),

p. Cerebral cortex, primary (somatosensory, visual, auditory, motor), secondary(somatosensory, visual auditory, premotor, supplemental motor), association(parieto-occipito-temporal, prefrontal and limbic), handedness, dominant brain(Categorical and representational),functions, disorders,

q.Cerebellum: Gross and microscopic anatomy, physiological divisions.

r.Basal ganglia :nuclei, connections, functions and disorders,

s.Hypothalamus :nuclei, connections, functions and disorders,

t.Limbic system, importance’s, parts included, disorders and connections.

u.Reticular formation, RAS, EEG

v.Sleep, REM and NREM sleep, theories of sleep,

w.Pyramidal tract and upper motor neurone lesion

x.Extra pyramidal tract and lower motor neurone lesions Non-auditory labyrinth. Physiology of speech.

y.Memory, learning motivation and clinical examination of CNS

  • Endocrines

a.Structure and functions of various endocrine organs. Types, mechanism of action of hormone,

b.Hypothalamo-hypophyseal axis, and anterior pituitary hormones,

c.Posterior pituitary hormones

d.Hormones of thyroid gland,

e.Parathyroid gland and calcium & phosphorous metabolism

f.Adrenal cortex- Glucocorticoids

g.Adrenal cortex-Mineralocorticoids and Na & K & Blood volume balance

h.Adrenal medulla,

i.Endocrine pancreas (their synthesis, actions, mechanism of secretion, mechanism of regulation, disorders and tests for diagnosis),

  • Reproductive system

a.Primary and secondary sex characters. Sex differentiation, Puberty and adolescence

b.Male and female sexual act,

c.Andrology-physiology of testes. Spermatogenesis, blood testes barrier,

d.Actions of testesterone

e.Actions of Oestrogen and Progesterone

f.Menstruation, Menarche, Menopause, menstrual disorders

g.Ovulation, Corpus luteum, Fertilization and formation of the germinal layers.

h.Formation and role of placenta.

i.Mammary glands and lactation.

j.Physiological changes during pregnancy. Pregnancy tests

k.Principles of contraception and fertility control. Mammary glands and lactation.

l.Physiological changes during pregnancy. Pregnancy tests

  • Special Senses:

  • Eye:

1.Structure of eye, eye as camera and function of various parts.

2.Refraction, refractory index, refractory power and optics of eye

3.Refractory media, concept of reduced eye,

4.Refractory errors,

5.Nutrition of eye and intra-ocular pressure, aqueoushumor. formation and drainage, field of vision

6.Mechanism of accommodation.

7.Errors of visual pathway

8.Visual perception

9.Ocular reflexes. Muscles of eye and eye movements.

10.Color vision and colour blindness

11.Binocular vision after images.

12.Photochemistry of vision, dark and light adaptation,

  • Ear:

1.Actions of Oestrogen and Progesterone

2.Menstruation, Menarche, Menopause, menstrual disorders

3.Ovulation, Corpus luteum, Fertilization and formation of the germinal layers.

4.Formation and role of placenta.

5.Mammary glands and lactation.

6.Physiological changes during pregnancy. Pregnancy tests

7.Principles of contraception and fertility control.

  • Vestibular Apparatus

a.Physiological anatomy, Otolith organs of macula and saccule, Semicircular canals

b.Mechanism of stimulation.

c.Role of vestibular nuclei, VSR,VOR, motion sickness, vestibular function tests

  • Taste and Smell:
  • Structure, distribution and function of the receptors.
  • Mechanisms of stimulation and their different pathways. disorders, methods of examination

Practicals Undergraduate

  • Experimental Physiology:

1.Introducing use of various instruments in the laboratory

2.types of circuits. Use of stimulator, pithing, smoking, varnishing

3.Muscle nerve preparation. Dissection and recording of Simple muscle twitch.

4.Effects of Temperature

5.Effect of free and after load.

6.Effect of strength of stimulus

7.study of two successive stimuli

8.Effect of frequent stimuli

9.Demonstration of phenomena of fatigue

10.Study of conduction velocity of nerve

11.Normal cardiogram and Effect of temperature

12.Study of properties of cardiac muscle

13.Effect of Stannius ligature I & II, heart-block(stannius ligatures).

14.Effect of simulation of vagus and crescent on cardiac contraction.

15.Study of effect of drug and identification of same

16.Perfusion of amphibian heart and

17.Effect of ions and drugs of physiological importance.

18.Decerebrate and spinal frog.

  • Hematology:

1.Total W.B.C. Count.

2.Differential W.B.C. count.

3.Total R.B.C. Count.

4.Hb Estimation.

5.P.C.V. & Blood indices.


7.Bleeding time and clotting time.

8.Haemin crystals.

9.Study of microscope

10.Study of Peripheral smear

  • Clinical Physiology

1.History taking and general examination.

2.Examination of cardiovascular system.

3.Measuring B.P. effect of posture, exercise, stress.

4.Examination of pulse.

5.Cardiac efficiency tests.

6.Examination of respiratory systems.


8.Resuscitation: artificial respiration.

9.Closed thorax, cardiac massage.

10.Respiratory efficiency test

11.Examination of reflexes-superficial and deep.

12.Examination of motor systems

13.Examination of sensory system perimetry.

14.Examination of cranial nerves.

15.Examination of alimentary system.

16.Examination of higher functions.

17.Visual acuity, Auditory tests.

18.Tests for sensation of taste and smell.

19.Recording of body temperature.


Experimental Physiology:

1.Factors affecting muscular contraction, Two successive stimuli, Multiple stimuli, fatigue, temperature.

2.Velocity of nerve impulse.

3.Effect of drugs on heart - pilocarpine, acetylcholine, adrenaline, nicotine, atropine.

4.Properties of cardiac muscle.

5.Perfusion of blood vessels.

Human Physiology:

6.Bone marrow smear.

7.Diameter of R.B.C., Price-Jones' Curve.

8.Reflex time and reaction time.


10.Phonocardiography and plethysmography.

11.Specific Gravity and platelet count.

12.Osmotic Fragility and reticulocyte count.


14.Pregnancy tests.



Mammalian Experiments.

17.Determination of blood volume in experimental animals.

18.Recording of movements of isolated loop of mammalian intestine and effect of drugs.

19.Mammalian blood pressure and respiration recording and factors influencing them.

Practicals Post Graduates:

(a) Amphibian practicals

  • Selection of laboratory animals, care of animals in laboratory, introduction to animal experiments with special reference to function of CPCSEA, Act for prevention of cruelty on animals, Animal disposal etc.
  • Biomedical instrumentation
  • Amplifiers
  • Transducers
  • Electrodes
  • Averaging and software
  • Introducing use of various instruments in the laboratory circuits.
  • Muscle-Nerve preparation. pithing, dissection, smoking, varnishing, fixing and preservation of graph
  • Simple muscle twitch.
  • Effects of Temperature
  • Effect of free and after load.
  • Effect of strength of stimuli
  • Effect of multiple stimuli: Two successive stimuli,
  • Fatigue and Ergography,
  • Staircase & Incomplete and complete Tetanus,
  • Study of conduction velocity in nerve
  • Study of perfusion of frog heart
  • Study Normal cardiogram and heart-block(stannius ligatures).
  • Study of properties of cardiac muscles
  • Study of effect of sympathomimetic, parasympathomimetic, Parasympatholytic and ganglion blocking drugs on cardiac muscle
  • Effect of stimulation of vagus and crescent on cardiac contraction. And study of vagal escape

(b) Haemotology

  • Study of Microscope
  • Study of Micrometry and Price Jones Curve
  • Study of Peripheral Smear
  • Study of Bone Marrow Smear
  • Study of Platelet count
  • Study of Reticulocyte count
  • Study of Arneth and Absolute Count
  • Total W.B.C. Count.
  • Differential W.B.C. Count.
  • Total R.B.C. Count.
  • Hb estimation.
  • P.C.V. & Blood indices.
  • E.S.R.
  • Study of Specific Gravity and Viscosity of blood
  • Study of Isotonic, Hypotonic and Hypertonic solution on RBCs
  • Study of effect of Osmotic fragility on RBCs
  • Bleeding Time and Clotting Time
  • Prothrombin Time, Partial Prothrombin Time, Clot Retraction Time, Capillary Fragility Test.
  • Haemin crystals.
  • Cross matching and blood banking

(c) Applied and Clinical Physiology

  • History taking and principles of clinical examination, general examination.
  • Examination of cardiovascular system.
  • Measuring Blood Pressure and study of effect of posture, exercise and stress.
  • Examination of pulse.
  • Cardiac efficiency tests.
  • Examination of Respiratory system.
  • Spirometry.
  • Resuscitation: Artificial Respiration,cardiac massage.
  • Respiratory efficiency tests.
  • Examination of Reflexes-Superficial and Deep.
  • Examination of Motor Systems
  • Examination of Sensory System
  • Examination of Cranial nerves.
  • Examination of Gastro-intestinal System
  • Examination of higher functions.
  • Visual Acuity, Optometry, Retinoscopy
  • Field of vision
  • Colour vision
  • Auditory tests.
  • Audio-metry
  • Recording of body temperature
  • Reflex time and Reaction time.
  • Stetho-graphy.
  • Phono-cardiography and
  • Plethysmography.
  • Sphygmography.
  • E.C.G.
  • Pregnancy tests.
  • Opthalmoscopy
  • Ergography.
  • Circulation time.
  • Study of EEG
  • Study of EMG
  • Study of Evoked potentials like Brainstem Auditory Evoked Potential
  • Visual evoked potential
  • Somesthetic Sensory Evoked potential, Motor Evoked Potential
  • Study of Nerve Conduction Velocity
  • Pulmonary Function Tests,
  • Autonomic function tests
  • Study of Bicycle ergometry
  • Study of Treadmill test
  • Study of BMR
  • Vestibular function tests
  • G.T.T.
  • Gastric function tests
  • Semen Analysis

.(d) Mammalian Experiments.

  • Recording of movements of isolated rabbit/guinea pig intestine and effect of drugs and ions.
  • Recording of blood pressure and respiration in dog and effect of variables on it.
  • Perfusion of isolated mammalian heart byLangendorff’s preparation and effect of drugs and ions.

(e) Biochemistry experiments:

  • Introduction to practical biochemistry
  • Chemistry of carbohydrates
  • Chemistry of proteins and amino acids
  • Chemistry of lipids
  • Physiology of urine
  • Pathological urine
  • Estimation of acid output by stomach
  • colorimetry
  • Estimation of serum urea
  • Estimation of serum creatinine
  • Estimation of serum cholesterol
  • Estimation of serum bilirubin
  • Estimation of serum total protein
  • Estimation of serum albumin
  • Estimation of serum glucose

Clinical rotation to the following departments as a part of curriculum.

  • General Medicine : attending wards, rounds, studying cases, history taking, clinical examination and observation of the patients
  • Emergency ward:
  • Blood bank and Pathology department: to study the latest technology in blood banking(collection storage and transfusion, grouping and cross matching, component separation, electronic cell counter immune histochemistry and other facilities available
  • Ophthalmology : to study latest instrument & techniques used in ophthalmic medicine like Direct and indirect opthalmoscopy, Retinoscopy, Slit lamp microscopy, Tonometry, Auto-refractometer etc. and other facilities available in the department
  • Biochemistry department to study all biochemical phenomena , study of biochemistry experiments as part of curriculum and to study Spectrophotometry, Flame photometry, Auto & Semi auto Analyzer, Electrophoresis, Chromatography, Study of serum chemistry (proteins. Lipid, glucose, electrolytes, enzymes etc), Constituents of Normal and Abnormal urine, liver function test, Renal function test, Gastric function tests etc and other facilities available in the department
  • Cardiology department: to study observation of different ECG and latest techniques use in cardiology like Echo ,treadmill cardiac catheterization and angiography
  • Paraplegia Department: to study EMG and NCV and other facilities available in the department
  • ENT department to study use of Audiometry (Pure tone), Direct and Indirect laryngoscopy and Otoscopy.
  • Psychiatry department to learn EEG techniques
  • Cancer hospital: to study the RIA techniques and other investigation in nuclear medicine
  • Kidney institute: for observing the techniques of dialysis, i.v.pylography, lithotripsy.
  • PSM department: to study about bio statistics and vaccination schedule and about nutrition.
  • PGs can take the facilities of GCRI research Lab like:
  1. Biochemistry research division
  2. Molecular endocrinology division
  3. Immuno-histochemistry division
  4. Cell biology division
  5. Medicinal chemistry and pharmaco-genomics division.

Examination Pattern


University Exam

1.It is required to pass theory and practical exam separately. At the end of completion of three years of residency.i.e. failing in any head means to reappear for both theory and practical exam after 6 months.

2.Total Marks1000

Theory400, Practical 600

3.Theory:Each Of 100 Marks

Paper 1: (History of Physiology & Comparative Physiology)

Paper 2: (Bio-chemistry & Metabolism)

Paper 3: (Applied & General Physiology)

Paper 4: (Modern Trends & Recent Advances)


2 long cases of 300 marks (total)

4 short cases of150 Marks (total)

Microteaching of 50 marks

Viva of 100 Marks

Total 600 marks


University Exam:

1.It is required to pass theory and practical exam separately. i.e. failing in any head means to reappear for both theory and practical exam after 2 months and then with the next batch

2.Total 200 Marks Exam.(140 Theory & 60 Practical)

3.Theory (Total 140)

a.Paper I (50 marks)

Cell physiology,General physiology, Biophysics,Physiology of Blood, Immunity, Cardiovascular physiology, Excretory physiology,Respiratory physiology, Exercise physiology, underwater physiology, high altitude physiology.

b.Paper II (50 Marks)

Muscle and Nerve Physiology, Endocrine Physiology, Gastrointestinal physiology, Reproductive physiology, Autonomic nervous system, Special senses, Central nervous system physiology.

  • INTERNAL 20 MARKS (derived from periodic & preliminary theory tests and periodic mcq tests)

Practical (Total 60)

  • Practical includes
  • Hematology procedure
  • Clinical procedure
  • Instruments and graph/ photograph/charts
  • Viva stations (include 2 stations of 10 marks each)
  • INTERNAL 20 marks (to be derived from periodic practical exam and periodic viva voce)


TMT and Polygraph Lab

Equipments: 1. Computerised TMT machine 2. Multichannel polygraph

Exercise Stress Test facility for patients from Civil Hospital has been started of late for diagnosing Stress induced Ischemia, so that the patients can receive further management for the same.

Polygraph facility for studying Heart Rate Variability is also being done.

Sleep Lab

Equipments: Polysomnography machine, EEG Machine

Sleep study is carried out on subjects to diagnose Obstructive Sleep Apnea and other sleep related ailments.


Equipments: EMG-NCV-EP machine

We carry out Nerve conduction velocity and Electromyography routinely on patients from Civil Hospital to diagnose Neuropathies. The patients are then sent back to the respective department for further management.

Research and PFT Lab

Equipments: Computerized spirometer

Computerised spirometry is being carried out on patients to diagnose respiratory ailments.

Hypnotherapy and Yoga Lab

We have also started Hypnotherapy and Yoga lab.


1)CME seminar on “Pathophysiology of Stress” held on 19/02/2010


Venue : Auditorium, B.J.Medical college, Ahmedabad

3)1stInternational Conference on Basic and Applied PhysiologyICON-BAP-2012 on 22nd23rdDecember 2012

Venue : Auditorium, Nirma Institute of Management, Ahmedabad

  • 545 delegates from 18 states of India and abroad registered for this conference.
  • Gujarat Medical Council granted 6 credit hours for the same.
  • It was financially assisted by

  • Dean, B.J.Medical College, Ahmedabad
  • Govt. of Gujarat
  • Medical Council of India
  • Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR)
  • Dr.Rajesh Katare, faculty from Otago university , Newzealand participated in the conference.


  • Our three U.G. students won1stprizein “ National Intermedical college Physiology quiz competition 2011” held on March 2011 at Pramukhswami Medical college, Karamsad, Gujarat.
  • Our three U.G. students won1stprizein “ National Intermedical college Physiology quiz competition 2012” held on 17thMarch 2012 at Pramukhswami Medical college, Karamsad, Gujarat.
  • Our P.G.Student Dr. Gargi Panchal , won first prize for oral presentation in CME State Conference In Human Physiology And Applied Physiology, 18thFeb.2012 at B.J.M.C. Ahmedabad
  • Our P.G.Student Dr. Piyush Makwana , won first prize for oral presentation in AMCMETMedical college, 2012

Following Research Papers are presented by faculty as well as residents in various conferences


Topic of Paper

Presented by



Gender based alteration in color perception in medical students

Dr. Ketan Patel

CME State Conference In Human Physiology And Applied Physiology, 18thFeb.2012 at B.J.M.C. Ahmedabad


Relationship of Blood groups with BMI

Dr.Upasanaba Jadeja

CME State Conference In Human Physiology And Applied Physiology, 18thFeb.2012 at B.J.M.C. Ahmedabad


Relationship of anthropometric adiposity indices with blood pressure in urban community of Ahmedabad

Dr. Prerna Agarwal

CME State Conference In Human Physiology And Applied Physiology, 18thFeb.2012 at B.J.M.C. Ahmedabad


To study knowledge,attitude & practice of non-pharmacological measures to control Hypertension in Geriatric population

Dr. Chetna Patel

CME State Conference In Human Physiology And Applied Physiology, 18thFeb.2012 at B.J.M.C. Ahmedabad


Evaluation of Pulmonary Functions in Hypertensive Patients Taking Antihypertensive Drugs

Dr.Rizwan Qureshi

CME State Conference In Human Physiology And Applied Physiology, 18thFeb.2012 at B.J.M.C. Ahmedabad


Study of distant vision in school children

Dr.Upasanaba Jadeja

CME State Conference In Human Physiology And Applied Physiology, 18thFeb.2012 at B.J.M.C. Ahmedabad


Comparative study of prevalence of myopia in medical students & students of Arts Stream.

Dr. Paras Parekh

CME State Conference In Human Physiology And Applied Physiology, 18thFeb.2012 at B.J.M.C. Ahmedabad


Evaluation of knowledge, attitude & practice of balanced diet in medical students

Dr.Meenu Jain

CME State Conference In Human Physiology And Applied Physiology, 18thFeb.2012 at B.J.M.C. Ahmedabad


A study of effect of smoking on glycosylated hemoglobin in non diabetics


CME State Conference In Human Physiology And Applied Physiology, 18thFeb.2012 at B.J.M.C. Ahmedabad


A Comparative Study of Color perceptionin young males and females

Dr.Gargi Panchal

CME State Conference In Human Physiology And Applied Physiology, 18thFeb.2012 at B.J.M.C. Ahmedabad


Gender differences in preferences of sensory modalities of learning styles among undergraduate medical students


1stInternational Conference on Basic and Applied PhysiologyICON-BAP-2012”22nd23rdDecember 2012


Cardiovascular health screening of adults residing in ahmedabad city.

Dr.Upasanaba Jadeja

1stInternational Conference on Basic and Applied PhysiologyICON-BAP-2012”22nd23rdDecember 2012


Comparative evaluation of lipid profile of type II diabetic males & females

Dr.Meenu Jain

1stInternational Conference on Basic and Applied PhysiologyICON-BAP-2012”22nd23rdDecember 2012


Is it PMS or it is just anaemia?

Dr.Archana Patel

AMCMETMedical college, 2012


Gender Based correlation of BMI with Anemia in medical students

Dr. Piyush Makwana

AMCMETMedical college, 2012

Research Publications during last three years


Name of Article

Name of Author

Name of Journal


Variation of Autonomic function tests among young healthy males & females

Dr Anju S Mehta, Dr Geeta Nair, Dr Jagdeep Dani, Dr Shobha Naik , Dr Neha Pandya,DrJ M Jadeja

Indian journal of Applied Basic medical science




Study of Quantitative correlationship between lipid profile and severity of ischaemic heart disease in long term diabetic patient

Dr. Geeta Nair,Dr. Anju S Mehta, Dr. Jagdeep S Dani, Dr. J M Jadeja, Dr.N Dikshit Dr. Purnima J Bhatt

Indian journal of Applied Basic medical science

Volume 14 A (18)

January 2012



Diabetes induced retinopathy in chronic diabetic patients

Dr. Geeta Nair,Dr. Anju S Mehta, Dr. Jagdeep S Dani, Dr. Sobha S Naik ,Dr. J M Jadeja

Indian journal of Applied Basic medical science

Volume 14 A (18)

January 2012



Effect of mild, moderate, severe anaemia on ECG

Dr. Neha Pandya,Dr. Desai Kinnar,Dr. Shobha S Naik ,Dr. Anju S Mehta,Dr. J M Jadeja

Indian journal of Applied Basic medical science




Comparative study of effect of exercise & yoga on cardio-respiratory parameters

Dr. R.A.Amin, Dr. Siddharth kulkarni, Dr.Narendra Pathak,Dr.Sadhana Joshi

Indian journal of Applied Basic medical science

July 2010



Assesment of left ventricular structural and functional indices by echocardiography in relation to the haemoglobin level in 2ndtrimester of pregnancy

Dr. Dipti Thaker, Dr.V. Kariya

NJIRM 2012 3(3) July-August



Electrophysiological evaluation of peripheral nerves in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.

Dr. Karishmabanu Kazi,Dr. Anju Mehta, Mansur Mulla

International journal of Basic and Applied Physiology

Vol. 1, issue 1

Dec 2012



A comparative study of Nerve conduction velocity between left & right handed subjects

Dr. Anup Patel,Dr. Anju Mehta

International journal of Basic and Applied Physiology

Vol. 1, issue 1

Dec 2012



Cardiovascular health screening of adults residing in Ahmedabad city

Dr. U.Jadeja,

Dr.S.Naik , Dr. D. Jadeja,


International journal of Basic and Applied Physiology

Vol. 1, issue 1

Dec 2012

pg no 98-102



Comparative study of Haemoglobin concentration in hypertensive & normotensive subjects

Dr. U.Jadeja,


Dr.S.Naik ,

Indian journal of Applied Basic medical science

July 2011



A Study of knowledge,attitude & practice of non-pharmacological method to control hypertension in geriatric population

Dr. Chetna Patel,

Dr.S.Naik Dr.J.M.Jadeja Dr.A. Mehta

Dr. Geeta Nair

Indian journal of Applied Basic medical science

July 2012

Vol.14B(17) pg no 34-42



A study of correlation between exercise,body mass index & heart rate

Dr. Chetna Patel, Dr.V. Mishra, Dr.S.Naik,

Dr. S. Dayama, Dr.J.M.Jadeja

International journal of Basic and Applied Physiology

Vol. 1, issue 1

Dec 2012



Relationship of Anthropometric adiposity indices with blood pressure in urban community of ahmedabad

Dr. Prerna Agarwal, Dr.J.M.Jadeja Dr. Geeta Nair, Dr.A. Mehta , Dr.S.Naik, Dr. J. Dani

International journal of Basic and Applied Physiology

Vol. 1, issue 1

Dec 2012



Leucocyte and platelet counts in anaemic & non anaemic young female

Dr. Hitesh Solanki, Dr Anita J Gojiya, Dr Rizwan Qureshi, Dr R Dixit ,Dr J

M Jadeja

Indian journal of Applied Basic medical science

Jan 2013

Vol.15a(20) pg no 537-539



Comparative study of prevalence of Myopia in medical students & students of Arts stream

Dr. Paras Parekh,

Dr. Meenu Jain,


Indian journal of Applied Basic medical science

Jan 2013

Vol.15a(20) pg no 127-133



Comparative evaluation of Lipid profile of type 2 diabetic male & female

Dr. Meenu Jain,


Dr.Neeta Mehta,

Dr.Dipti Thakkar,


International journal of Basic and Applied Physiology

Vol. 1, issue 1

Dec 2012



Gender difference in preference of sensory modalities of learning styles among undergraduate medical students

Dr. Mitesh Sinha,

Dr. S.Naik,


International journal of Basic and Applied Physiology

Vol. 1, issue 1

Dec 2012



Comparison of postpartum stress following uneventful vaginal delivery & elective c-section

Dr. Mitesh Sinha,

Dr. S.Naik,


International journal of Basic and Applied Physiology

Vol. 1, issue 1

Dec 2012
